Refund and Returns Policy

How to cancel and get a refund

Soon customers of and the check in network in all countries in Asia can be performed by following the steps below To cancel and request a refund for the booking as follows

Login to
Then scroll to the My Check in page, selecting the reservation that I have carefully decided. and have studied the regulations of asia or the check in network from various countries such as,, etc. that there is a need to cancel Have the customer scroll down to the Manage booking section to double check the refund policy for your booking. for sure Or ask at check in call center and click on Refund Request to request a refund. Enter the password or check in number that you received from (Always check the password to be sure) to continue.
Check the rules of terms and conditions for refunds of asia or check in networks from countries such as,, etc. Then check the box to accept and tap Next. Select a room or travel activity or What you have checked in as you wish to request a refund and select Next, check the box to agree to the terms and conditions for refund and select Submit Refund Request.
If you don’t have an asia account or a check in network from different countries such as,, etc., simply go to My Booking or click Find Booking on the website. as well
In case the customer wants to cancel the payment type booking at the hotel, resort, homestay, long stay, home lord, tourist activities Please ensure that your check in has a free cancellation policy and is still within the full refund period. You can go to My Booking on the website, click Details, then select Cancel Reservation. However, if your booking does not have such a policy, you must contact customer service of asia or check in networks from countries such as,, etc. to cancel your booking.


Information to know:

Please note that cancellations may incur a fee, please check the refund policy on your booking confirmation. for sure every time
Refunds will be processed after hotels, resorts, homestays, home lords and excursions. Your refund request has been approved.
Please note that processing times may vary from country to country, within 14 business days in Thailand and within 30 business days in other countries. This will vary depending on the credit card or issuing bank.
under the emergency situation of the country of destination It will be different for each case.


Last updated July 01, 2022


Year 2023 all sales are final and no refund will be issued.


If you have any questions concerning our return policy, please contact us at:


[email protected]