Raya Buri, Kanchanaburi

Raya Buri, Kanchanaburi

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Starting at 1,500 Bath/2 Persons

l fill your happiness from total relaxation with natural beauty, delight and tranquility amidst the pleasant ambiance of fresh water, striking mountain ranges and pure crisp air within just 3–5 hour drive from Bangkok.

The ultimate charms of the coolness, fresh air and lush greenery along the riverside with the backdrop of the majestic mountain over Premium Bay of Srinagarind Dam the ultimate surrounds that make you feel contented and laidback. This is the true ambiances that we ‘Raya Buri’ are proud to deliver to you only for your pure relaxation! Every room is designed with the ultimate goal for the sheer purpose enabling you to indulge in every angle of our natural beauty. Complementing your stay is our warm welcome & services with full options of modern facilities

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