
About Our Identity and Policy at CheckinAsia.asia and Our Check-in Network in Asia

We manage with the model of online tourism business. The professional team of Check in Asia ensures confidence by developing towards the global ISO 9001 standard, under the expertise of professionals in the tourism and service industry, and global-level professional tourism activity designers. We believe that our expertise in Asia surpasses others.

We are committed to creating a responsible business.

We strive to be a social enterprise, a business with the primary aim of creating job opportunities for communities, addressing social and environmental issues using effective management mechanisms of the tourism and hotel industry. We supplement knowledge and social innovation that we possess and financial sustainability from the main revenue from products or services in the tourism industry, hotels, travel, and online tourism service providers, without relying on donations and reinvesting profits to create opportunities for communities and areas to create value from existing resources in the area. We hope to expand our ability to manage the social impacts of tourism together responsibly. We focus on providing opportunities for tourism activities, restaurants, and accommodations like hotels, homelords, resorts in unique communities to create added value in services through consultation from our expert team. Because Asia is our home that we want to show the world that we are here to welcome tourists with love.

Our main characteristic is a social enterprise.

  1. We start with designing, creating, developing, and conducting various tourism activities in Thailand, Laos, Cambodia, Vietnam, which have been creative areas since our establishment. We will expand to various places across Asia that will continue to grow, with the goal of giving the tourism community in these areas across Asia the opportunity to connect with the world.
  2. We have social and environmental objectives by marketing and providing services in the tourism industry responsibly, by giving communities the opportunity to showcase the best of the community, for tourists from all over the world to experience and immerse in the Check-in feeling. Most importantly, the community, local business owners, are local marketing representatives of Check in Thailand or check-in in various countries in our network, and according to our joint policy.
  3. We operate with financial, social, and environmental sustainability. We run our business with the philosophy of a sufficiency economy and a BCG Economy, which gradually grows from experience and the enjoyment of our users sustainably. We believe that part of our profits should be returned to society by participating with the community, choosing to engage in community and environmental development activities in the community, and set goals to create a sustainable tourism ecosystem.
  4. We will operate with transparency and good governance with a universal management system. We are not involved in politics or any form of conflict. We believe in tourism with love, believe in travel, believe in discovering new things, believe in meeting new friends, and believe in different and immersive relaxation to prepare for future public organizations.